Ceryle torquata
Eng: Ringed Kingfisher
Esp: Martín pescador grande
Desde México en ambientes acuáticos, desde la precordillera a la costa. Reside todo el año en la isla de Tierra del Fuego. Se lo ve solitario, en parejas o grupos familiares. Posan en atalayas junto al agua, desde donde se lanzan al agua para capturar peces. L44cm
From México in freshwater areas, from pre Andean habitats to the coast. Stays all over the year on Tierra del Fuego. Alone, in pairs or family groups. It is often seen perched prominently on trees, posts, or other suitable watch points close to water before plunging in head to catch fish.
L. (17”)
From México in freshwater areas, from pre Andean habitats to the coast. Stays all over the year on Tierra del Fuego. Alone, in pairs or family groups. It is often seen perched prominently on trees, posts, or other suitable watch points close to water before plunging in head to catch fish.
L. (17”)